Friday, November 5, 2010

BE AFRAID : Phobia; Arachnophobia the fear of spiders

An irritational fear is known as phobia. People are scared of all sorts of phobia but top of the list is the arachnophobia or fear of spiders.Scientists believe that this is because our ancient ancestors had to look out for poisonous bugs.

Here are some of the poisonous spiders:

Brown Recluse Spiders
-the brown recluse venom can cause significant cutaneous injury with tissue loss and necrosis.

Black Widow Spiders-

 the Back Widow Spider can inflict a painful bite which can be fatal, especially to the young and elderly. An effective anti-venom was developed in 1956.

HObo Spiders

- although the bite of the hobo spider is initially painless, the bite can be serious. After 24 hours, the bite develops into a blister and after 24-36 hours, the blister breaks open, leaving an open, oozing ulceration. Typically when the venom is injected, the victim will experience an immediate redness, which develops around the bite. The most common reported symptom is severe headache. Other symptoms can include nausea, weakness, fatigue, temporary memory loss and vision impairment. In any case, first aid and medical attention should be sought, if bitten, as and when any adverse health effects are observed.

The fear of spiders can be treated by any of the general techniques suggested for specific phobias. As with all phobias, the strength of the associations means the individual must actively pursue the techniques, and outsiders should in no way undermine or "play" with the phobia in the meantime.

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